For the Weekend Warrior .. 

Calling all Triathletes, Marathoners, SUP/ Surfers, Yoga-Spinners & Kettlebell Nuts.. and of course the Weekend Warrior!

“Walk-in’s” are not your grandpa & grandma Bath Tub anymore! They’re becoming more common & recommended for the family w/a highly active lifestyle. You know the family.. the ones with the kids that compete at a high level, and mom & dad are not too far behind.

These tubs are perfect for recovering from all forms of physical activities. In fact, ask any professional athlete. Deep water tubs are not for when you’re slowing down in life, they’re for speeding up (workout recovery time).

Also note, they’re used more for cooling down than heating up.

Where does HS see their placement? They have multiple uses, but if you finish your basement and include an exercise studio , think of including a deep water walk-in tub for the basement guest bathroom. Also consider adding a TV w/ surround sound in the room for entertainment value while your body enjoys the rejuvenation process.Spec builders, you might also consider adding to your pool house… food for thought!

For a demo:


Categories Spec-tactics

Dan has been an East End resident for 35 years. He is a Financial Exec with over 25 years of hands on experience in all aspects of asset & financial management, construction, project management, oversight & real estate investments.

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